WTA Discovery

WTA Discovery is your gateway to exploring the Wine Travel Awards community. Select a country where you plan to embark on food and wine tours and join us on a journey to uncover the most captivating destinations, exceptional wines, talented winemakers, and charismatic guides. Let’s explore together!

WTA Discovery

Stories of the nominees

The American boomerang The American boomerang The USA/Canada When an average wine lover in Europe says “American wine,” in 99 out of 100 times, it is the Californian wine that is implied. Why? The answer lies in an almost detective story initiated in 1976 by Stephen Spurrier, a smart wine merchant who opened a shop in Paris in the 1970s. Outraged by the French’s disdain for American wines, he decided to hold a seditious blind tasting, where he compared the wines of famous French chateaux with those made in California. He invited the most aggressive apologists for Bordeaux and Burgundy to serve as judges. And what do you think? The European experts blindly gave scores to the Californian wines that allowed California to win! More
The tropical boom The tropical boom India/Thailand/Korea/Taiwan/China The new 2025 Beverage Trends report from Flavorman has warned the world about the upcoming “tsunami of popularity” for the wines with tropical fruits in their flavor profile. Therefore, we suggest that this year’s route of a conscious wine tourist should be laid to the countries with a tropical climate and more or less developed winemaking. To start with, we are offering an online trip to Asia: let us get to know the WTA award nominees, and vote for the best ones. More