Vivanco Museum
Spain #23 Vivanco Museum Spain Crta. Nacional 232, Km 442, Briones +34 941 32 23 23 | reservas@vivancoculturadevino.es https://vivancoculturadevino.es/es/
The Wine School. World of Wine (WOW)
Portugal #20 The Wine School. World of Wine (WOW) Portugal Rua do Choupelo, 39 Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto +351 220 121 200 | info@wow.pt https://www.wow.pt/en
The Wine Tourism School of Catalonia
Spain #19 The Wine Tourism School of Catalonia Spain info@escolaenoturisme.cat +34931694102 https://escolaenoturisme.vilafranca.cat/contacte
Vitaliy Kovach Sommelier School
Ukraine #16 Vitaliy Kovach Sommelier School Ukraine vk.som.school@gmail.com https://ssvk.com.ua

Vivanco Museum
Spain #189 Vivanco Museum Spain Crta. Nacional 232, Km 442, Briones +34 941 32 23 23 | reservas@vivancoculturadevino.es https://vivancoculturadevino.es/es/

The Wine School. World of Wine (WOW)
Portugal #167 The Wine School. World of Wine (WOW) Portugal Rua do Choupelo, 39 Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto +351 220 121 200 | info@wow.pt https://www.wow.pt/en

The Wine Tourism School of Catalonia
Spain #89 The Wine Tourism School of Catalonia Spain info@escolaenoturisme.cat +34931694102 https://escolaenoturisme.vilafranca.cat/contacte

Schloss Esterházy
Austria #58 Schloss Esterházy Austria Schloss Esterházy 7000 Eisenstadt +43 (0)2682/63004-7600 | schloss-esterhazy@esterhazy.at | weingut@esterhazywein.at https://esterhazy.at/en/

SHUMI Winery
Georgia #56 SHUMI Winery Georgia Village Tsinandali, Telavi Municipality, Kakheti, Georgia +995 599 08 04 01 | +995 599 15 25 85 | tourism@shumiwinery.com | shumi@shumiwinery.com https://shumiwinery.com/