Ágnes Németh: Hungary deserves a spot in the map of the world of wine


Ágnes Németh is a wine journalist, co-founder and editor-in-chief of Hungarianwines.eu, and has been spreading the word about wine for more than 15 years. Previously, Agnés served as editor-in-chief at Decanter and VinCE magazines, and she travels regularly to participate on the jury of wine competitions such as Concours Mondial, VinItaly, and Silk Route Competition. She is now based in Catalonia, Spain.

Her main project Hungarianwines.eu is dedicated to promoting Hungarian wine to the world. The idea came up several years ago in Düsseldorf, when she was working with the organizers of the Hungarian stands and the Hungarian master classes. They were giving out books by the Ministry of Agriculture on Hungarian excellencies. Elizabeth Gabby MW (Master of Wine) received a book and pointed out: “it’s great! It’s English, fantastic! But I won’t put it in my small suitcase. Is it available online?” And it was not available

There was no official website about Hungarian wine— with wine descriptions, grape varieties, and so on—which got her upset. So, they decided to start. The command made a big plan and asked all the different agencies: the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Foreign trade, National Tourism Agency, and the Wine Marketing Board. Unfortunately, they did not get any support, so they appealed to the winemakers and explained the situation: “there’s no official website, so what if for the price of a couple of coffees, we will do it for you.” Currently, it is not backed by any governmental body, the work is voluntary, supplemented by a small subscription fee from wineries. For this, the command lists them on the website and at least once a month they publish a piece of news about each of the partner wineries. They are passionate about wine and strongly believe that Hungary deserves a spot in the map of the world of wine.