Gergely Szolnoki #41

Innovative and sustainable wine tourism
Professor of Market Research at Geisenheim University and honorary professor of Wine and Beverage Management & Marketing at the University of West Attica (Athens/Greece). His research fields cover consumer behaviour, communication and social media, organic wines, market analysis and wine tourism. In addition to his scientific activities, Gergely is a delegated expert in the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) in the fields of wine economics and statistics. Two works co-authored with Compes Lopes and published in 2021 are nominated for the Research of the Year and Expert Opinion categories: “Innovative and sustainable wine tourism – national and international successful models” and “Enoturismo sostenible e innovador. Modelos de éxitoalrededor del mundo”.
Articles about Gergely Szolnoki can be found on Drinks+ and here.
- Compes Lopes, R. und Szolnoki, G. (2021), Innovative and sustainable wine tourism – national and international successful models. Cajamar Caja Rural, Valencia. OIV Buch Award.
- Compes Lopes, R. und Szolnoki, G. (2021), Enoturismo sostenible e innovador. Modelos de éxito alrededor del mundo. Cajamar Caja Rural, Valencia. OIV Buch Award.
- Szolnoki, G., Thach. L. und D. Kolb (2016), Successful Social Media & Ecommerce Strategies in the Wine Industry. Palgrave Macmillan Verlag, New York, London. OIV Buch Award.
Peer-reviewed papers
- Szolnoki, G., Lueke, M.N., Tafel, M., Blass, M., Ridoff, N. and Nilsson, C. (2021), A cross-cultural analysis of the motivation factors and profitability of online wine tastings during Covid-19 pandemic. British Food Journal, 123 (13), pp. 599-617.
- Tafel, M. and Szolnoki, G. (2020), Estimating the economic impact of tourism in German wine regions. International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 2020, No. 1, pp. 1-12.
- Tafel, M.C. and Szolnoki, G. (2020), Relevance and challenges of wine tourism in Germany: a winery operators’ perspective, International Journal of Wine Business Research, Vol. 33 No. 1, pp. 60-79.
- Tafel, M. and Szolnoki, G. (2019), Segmenting tourists in German wine growing regions by travel motivation and wine activities. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg, Vol. 69 No. 3, pp. 196-207.
- Szolnoki, G. (2018), New approach to segmenting tourists in a German wine region. International Journal of Wine Business Research, Vol. 30 No. 2, pp. 153-168.
Conference proceedings
- Szolnoki, G. (2021), New wine tourism strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Wine Marketing Symposium, Montpellier, 25.11.2021.
- Tafel, M. und Szolnoki, G. (2020), Wine tourism in Germany – a status quo. Culinary & Wine Tourism Conference. Geisenheim, 10-11. März 2020.
- Tafel. M. und Szolnoki, G. (2019), Primary and Secondary Wine Tourism – A Segmentation Approach. 11th International Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research, Stellenbosch/Süd-Afrika, 15. January 2019.
- Szolnoki, G. (2018), Analysing the differences between primary and secondary wine tourists in German wine-growing regions. OIV Konferenz, Punta del Este, 20. November 2018.
- Tafel, M. and Szolnoki, G. (2019), Primary and Secondary Wine Tourism – Towards a sustainable development in German wine regions. International Conference on Tourism (ICOT), Kavala/Greece, 30. Juni 2018.
- Szolnoki, G. (2016), Calculating the purchasing power of tourists in a wine region – a case study from Germany. OIV Konferenz, Bento Gonzales/Brasilien, 25. Okt. 2016.
- Szolnoki, G., Loose, S., Tari, K. und Iselborn, M. (2016): Segmentation of visitors in a German wine-growing region – The Rheingau and its tourists. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference – Academy of Wine Business Research, Adelaide/Australien, 16.-19. Februar, 2016
- Szolnoki, G.; Noack, S.; Tafel, M. (2014), Wine tourism – an explorative study in the region Rheingau. 8th International Conference – Academy of Wine Business Research, Geisenheim, 28-30. Juni 2014.
Editor Reviewed Journal Papers
- Tafel, M. und Szolnoki, G. (2021), Gäste sind nicht gleich Weintouristen – Weintourismus in Baden. Der Badische Winzer, 07, S. 32-34.
- Szolnoki, G., Tafel, M., Blaß, M., Ridoff, N. and Nilsson, C. (2021), The new virtual tool – online wine tasting worldwide. Meininger’s Wine Business International, 29.04.2021, S. 1-10.
- Szolnoki, G., Tafel, M., Blaß, M., Ridoff, N. and Nilsson, C. (2021), Was bringen Online-Proben? Weinwirtschaft, 8, S. 30-34.
- Szolnoki, G. and Tafel, M. (2020), The Impact of Wine Tourism on Germany. Meininger’s Wine Business International, 21(6), pp. 42-45.
- Tafel, M. und Szolnoki, G. (2020), Weintourismus an der Mosel. Die Winzer-Zeitschrift, 9, S. 38-41.
- Tafel, M. und Szolnoki, G. (2020), Weintourismus in Deutschland. Der Deutscher Weinbau, 5, S. 5-7.
- Szolnoki, G, Samartzidou, M. und Tafel, M. (2019), Touristenmagnet Santorini. Der deutsche Weinbau 21, S. 34-37.
- Tafel, M. und Szolnoki, G. (2019), Reisetauglich? Der deutsche Weinbau 13, S. 32-35.
- Tafel, M. und Szolnoki, G. (2018), Destination Weinland. Der deutsche Weinbau 4, S. 18-20.
- Szolnoki, G. (2015), Weinverkauf profitiert von Tourismus. Der Deutsche Weinbau, 15 (22), S. 32-34.
- Szolnoki, G., Noack, S. und Tafel, M. (2014), Angesagt: Weintourismus im Rheingau. Der deutsche Weinbau, 14 (8), S. 14-18.