Pierre Richard is 90!


Pierre Richard turned 90 years old the other day – a man with a heart of cosmic size and a cosmopolitan charm. This great actor and world-famous winemaker talentedly combined two passions – cinema and wine.

Pierre Richard

Back in 2021-2022, he became a pioneer of the Wine Travel Awards – one of the first to believe in this project – and joined our friendly community with his winery Chateau Bel Eveque (Domaine de l’Évêque). He graced the WTA community with himself and his wines and continues to grace it today. The WTA team wishes Pierre Richard Maurice Charles Léopold Defays – that is the name of the famous le grand blond – several dozen more bright years and outstanding vintages at his favorite winery in Languedoc!

Pierre Richard


This year, as always, the famous le grand blond met his fans at Domaine de l’Évêque and signed autographs.

We are grateful to the ambassador of wines and our sincere friend – Florence Authier Meuric (WTA nominee in the Ambassador of the Year) for meeting Pierre Richard, for helping us in our trip to his winery and in all communications. Including for the provided video – where the landscapes of the coastal Languedoc, the Domaine de l’Évêque estate and minutes of traditional meetings of Monsieur Richard with fans of his talents are reproduced.